Sunday, March 24, 2013

Angel Reviews: Love in the '40s When Mail Came Twice a Day by Vivian Kline

Love in the '40s When Mail Came Twice a DayLove in the '40s When Mail Came Twice a Day by Vivian Kline
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wasn't sure what to expect from this book. In this day and age of instant contact via email, text and what not, how could I ever relate to something so...old and foreign? How could people have a relationship via written letters? Dating and engagement and love all through the power of the pen? Impossible! Or so I thought.

These two young people got to know each other in a way that our generation has sadly lost. Deeply, intimately on the inner level. Nothing superficial here. It was so endearing and makes me long for a time like this, with no bells and whistles. No technology can take the place of truly connecting with another human being like this.

But this is so much more than just a love story, it's a historic recall of days gone by. It's amazing how much we as a nation have changed in such a short time. I truly enjoyed reading this. It has left me melancholy and thoughtful.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. This sounds really good, might have to add it to my long list of books I wanna get LOL
